How to Add Pricing and Advanced Ticketing Options to One-Off Activities

by | Mar 14, 2023 | Activity Partner, FAQs, Partner Resources

In the pricing section of your Listing, you define the price you want to get paid.

It’s important to set realistic & competitive pricing. Consumers are smart, we do our research, so you should do your research to determine where to set your pricing. Then we’ll help you set competitive, flexible & clear pricing.

Below is information on how to set your preferred Pricing Options for One-Off Activities. Check out these other articles for more information:


✅ Did you sign up to become an ENB Partner?

✅ Did you create a stellar Listing?

✅ Did you add your Payout Method?


Setting your preferred Pricing Options is as easy as 1-2-3!

All you need to know is the Price, Description & Quantity for each Ticket Option you want to add and make available for purchase on your Listing page.

  1. Set your price
  2. Add your short description
  3. Set the # of Tickets available (quantity)

    The important thing to note is that the # of Tickets is the quantity available out of the Total Tickets. Except with Private Groups or Ticket Bundles, where the # of Tickets is the quantity to be purchased together at the set price.

    Also, the sum # of Tickets cannot be greater than the Total Tickets, excluding Private Groups or Ticket Bundles, which can include any # of Tickets up to the Total Tickets per Instance (date & time) regardless of the defined quantity of other ticket types.

    See examples below.


Just click on: + Add Ticket Option

When you add more Pricing Options, you have the ability to enable Private Groups or Ticket Bundles in order to provide group discounts, exclusive offers, or other special pricing.

Watch this quick how-to video for One-Off Activities:


You can see in the examples below:

The Veterans Discount is UNLIMITED, there is no set quantity. This means bookings up to the Total Ticket quantity (20) will be accepted based on the booking of other Ticket Options.

The Group Discount Up to 10 will bundle 10 tickets for that set price. That means when the Seeker purchases this ticket option, 10 tickets are included in the purchase price, and if no other bookings have been made for that Instance (date & time), then 10 more tickets will still be available for purchase by another buyer.

The Private Group Up to 20 will book all availability (20 tickets) and only that one group can book that specific Instance (date & time); same with the 1-on-1 Instruction ticket, except it only includes 1 ticket, but no other bookings will be accepted on the selected date & time booked for the private session.

The pricing fields and options for One-Off Activities on
One-Off Activity Pricing Section


  • Instance—An Instance of your Experience is a bookable date & time available to reserve and purchase on the platform.
  • How many sessions are included per ticket?—This is the number of Instances, classes or touch points included in the set purchase price.

    For Example: If you’re selling 4 classes for $100, then you would enter 4 sessions are included in the ticket price. Upon booking, the Seeker would select 4 Instances (date & time) to reserve and buy during checkout.

  • UNLIMITED—There is no defined quantity. Bookings will be accepted up to the max quantity allowed based on the availability of other Pricing Options.

  • # of Tickets—The number you set here will determine how many of this type of ticket you have available out of the total number of tickets available.

    If you set a number, that specific ticket tier (e.g. Kiddo tickets) will be restricted to that quantity. If you leave the # of Tickets at the default setting of “UNLIMITED,” then up to the total number of tickets available could be purchased. “UNLIMITED” is perfect when it doesn’t matter how many of that type of ticket is sold.

    Restricting a specific ticket tier is important when you only have so much capacity or when you want to offer group tickets or private groups.

    When using the Private Group or Ticket Bundle toggles, the # of Tickets defines the quantity of tickets included for that purchase price.

    For Example: If you have 20 tickets and you set the # of Tickets as UNLIMITED for Adults, and 5 for Kids, then up to 20 Adult tickets can be purchased, but only 5 kid tickets can be bought.

  • Ticket Bundles—This toggle groups the # of Tickets together. When booked, all tickets will be purchased at once and the buyer will have the opportunity to define the names of each attendee.

  • Private Groups—This toggle groups the # of Tickets together and limits the Instance to a single booking. When booked, all tickets will be purchased at once and the buyer will have the opportunity to define individual attendees. No other bookings will be available for the Instance reserved (date & time).


If you need any help, you know where to find us 😊

The information in this article is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.


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