“I suppose what I thought had been holding me back up until now has been a limiting belief that I really just don’t know what to put up on exploringnotboring.com, but that’s not quite true, because I know I want it to be my workshops. SOO, then I asked a deeper layer question (you’ve heard of the 7 layers deep exercise?) and realized what was underneath that was really that I thought no one would buy because I don’t have any direct clients at the moment, am not currently selling those workshops, and don’t know who would want it! But I suppose that’s part of the platform’s job, is that correct? To get the eyes & hearts of those who want to those who can offer?”
You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain!
Our mission is to inspire action that nurtures the human spirit through newer & richer experiences.
One way we work toward our mission is by helping passionate entrepreneurs like you, who have a unique, handcrafted activity, event or product, get discovered online by individuals seeking these enriching opportunities for growth, self-discovery, fun, excitement, and connection.
This is how we help you gain online sales:
There are two major ways we bring our unique set of marketing expertise and skills to the party:
1) We help you enhance your customer experience with powerful tools for 24/7 online booking, secure online payments, and automated review generation; plus,
2) We help you grow your offering(s) with greater exposure to your ideal audience through our niche marketplace for enriching experiences.
In essence, the ENB marketplace is free advertising for you.
All you have to do to take advantage of this marketing opportunity is make your offering available for purchase on exploringnotboring.com
It’s simple to get started, apply now to become an ENB Partner.
You benefit from our targeted marketing campaigns, email marketing strategies, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), brand framework, and User Experience (UX) design. In addition to our ever-growing Help Center with resources to help you get the most out of our digital marketing efforts, and your own.
And even more marketing help is on the way!
In the near future, we’ll offer additional services for paid promotion, so our Partners like you have an affordable way to boost your online marketing without contracting an agency, learning the ins and outs of paid advertising platforms, or navigating the world of influencer marketing.
We’ll also offer paid marketing services such as Branding, Buyer Personas, Keyword Research, and Customer Experience (CX) Audits to help you grow your business.
But the biggest question isn’t: “What can we do for you?” Instead, it is: “What are you willing to do for yourself?”
But what if nobody buys from me?
If you’re passionate about what you’re considering to offer on exploringnotboring.com, then ask yourself this:
“What do I have to gain, and what do I have to lose from offering a new value proposition I’ve never sold before?”
Since we use a revenue-sharing model, you only pay a small commission when you earn through the platform. No upfront costs, no hidden fees.
So, if nobody buys from you, then you’re out nothing but the time it took to create your new Listing. But here’s the cool thing, with our Google Calendar integration, we make it effortless to keep your availability up-to-date, so your Listing on our platform is evergreen.
That means: After your Listing is active, then people can discover & buy from you forever more as long as your Listing is LIVE on exploringnotboring.com ✨
Even more good news:
It only takes 5-15 minutes to set up a new Listing on exploringnotboring.com, even less if you’ve already completed the prep-work to define your offering for online sales.
Check out our Experience Creator Marketing Kit for FREE resources that will help you think out important elements of your online offering and much more.
Of course, there’s one more thing to consider: TIME. That’s the only cost here.
So, the only question left to ask yourself is this:
“Am I willing to invest 15 minutes for the chance to increase my organic revenue potential on an offering I’m passionate about, so I can make a living doing what I love?”
If you answered “Yes,” then go for it!
Grow your unique activity, event or product into a viable revenue stream. We’re here to help!
If you answered “No,” then. . . well. . . you have your answer and know what to do next . . . or that is, what not to do . . . #BORING!
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